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I'm trying to move my Dark Republic mod info from the general discussion to the mod forum. So far I've been cutting/pasting, but I felt it might be more economical if there was some way I could move the entire thread, along with other people's responses, while deleting the other thread I have up in them mod thread currently. Is there someone who can help me with this?

on Apr 11, 2010

Moderators can do it. Maybe if we ask real nicely anyone who's making a Mod can get some Mod privs on that section of the forums. That's probably unlikely though as random people just can't be trusted with the ability to mess with other people's posts. Someone will get mad at someone and start editing stuff and the next thing you know Stardock will be getting slapped with some frivolous lawsiut....probably not a good idea. We'd be better off asking if maybe the replies we have on our original posts can be moved to their counterparts on the Mod Section.

on Apr 11, 2010


Maybe if we ask real nicely anyone who's making a Mod can get some Mod privs on that section of the forums

Not going to happen. However if you make a blog on the impulse community site, you should be able to move or moderate your own threads (wherever they may be) from there.

on Apr 11, 2010

If you edit your main post, there is a section called "Category" at the top. If you click it, you can select what category your post is in. Save changes, and it should now be in Mods forum, complete with all the replies of other people.

I really need to check these forums more often. I didn't even know they had created a mods section!

EDIT: And I'm too slow at posting, too

on Apr 11, 2010


Maybe if we ask real nicely anyone who's making a Mod can get some Mod privs on that section of the forums

Not going to happen.

Yeah, if you see the rest of my reply I didn't really think it would have been a good idea anyway. Too many possible ramifications.

While we have your attention though, Kryo, could you please Sticky the thread on the Mod Forums that has the list of Elemental Mods being worked on?

Thanks in advanced.

Note: This thread Kryo https://forums.elementalgame.com/369213

on Apr 11, 2010


Awesome possum!