A blog all about old, free, or bargain games I find. Not limited to computer games, either.


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on Jul 30, 2010

lol ... did I mention we were semi-violent frenemies at the time?

also, the Fan Rage didn't cause any actual Pain/Harm ... just annoyance, and the retribution was in-kind neither harmful or painful


Heh ... it was an environment where everyone was constantly giving each other bruises and such (daily basis) so off-game frenemies were relatively common (during highschool years btw)

on Jul 30, 2010


Quoting Raven X,
reply 72

Quoting Tasunke, reply 71consider Civ III -> Civ IV ... now that was a DAMN GOOD sequel. And that could at least potentially be attributed to the Editor that came with Civ III, where you could design your own units, buildings, maps, etc.

Lies, all lies!! We all know there's no such thing as a "Good" Civ game

*dodges incoming rocks*

What about GalCIV?


I meant Civilization


on Jul 30, 2010

But guys, your all forgeting




or.. whatever its called now, probably


on Jul 30, 2010

Raven X

Quoting SpaghettiMon, reply 73

Quoting Raven X,
reply 72

Quoting Tasunke, reply 71consider Civ III -> Civ IV ... now that was a DAMN GOOD sequel. And that could at least potentially be attributed to the Editor that came with Civ III, where you could design your own units, buildings, maps, etc.

Lies, all lies!! We all know there's no such thing as a "Good" Civ game

*dodges incoming rocks*

What about GalCIV?


I meant Civilization


Galactic Civilizations


on Jul 30, 2010


Galactic Civilizations


I meant "Sid Meier's Civilization" games Specifically


on Jul 30, 2010


on Jul 30, 2010

TBH Civ 1 and 2 hard some of the worst design ever made (like entire stacks dieing and horrid HORRID uncontroable poluiton).

Then again X-Com has more bugs than Starship Troopers and I still play that.

on Jul 30, 2010

Raven X

Quoting SpaghettiMon, reply 73

Quoting Raven X,
reply 72

Quoting Tasunke, reply 71consider Civ III -> Civ IV ... now that was a DAMN GOOD sequel. And that could at least potentially be attributed to the Editor that came with Civ III, where you could design your own units, buildings, maps, etc.

Lies, all lies!! We all know there's no such thing as a "Good" Civ game

*dodges incoming rocks*

What about GalCIV?


I meant Civilization



I know you meant Civilization, I was playing on the ambiguity of "there is no good civ game".

on Aug 04, 2010


Also, don;t believe the hype. Bethesda was happy to tell you Fallout 3 had sold more units than Fallout 1 and 2 combined. Of course, what they didn't mention was that Fallout 1 and 2 only came out on PC. So when you look deeper and see that Fallout 1 and 2 TRIPLED the sales of the PC version of Fallout 3 you learn something. That in this multiformat world it's a lot easier for publishers to hide the truth, and as as long as the gaming media cow-tows to the industry it will only get worse. Eventually leading to 100% of AAA games from the major publishers making a loss.

The way Bioware have gone from Baldur's Gate to Mass Effect and Bethesda have gone from Daggerfall to Oblivion, i think the direction of gaming is obvious, and it's not up.


When I tried Baldurs Gate, Baldurs Gate II, Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale II they had all in common that they were unplayable. To use Baldurs Gate II as an example, I selected 160% difficulty and the good guys with the paladin I think. Gotted a bunch of dialog and started to play. When the first battle begun, my guys charged the enemy and my Warrior died 2 seconds later....just WTF?!?          Started over, paused the game and issued orders. Battle starts, Warrior dies again....I was like: "WTF is wrong with this game?!?    Glowing reviews and it's unplayable...."


When I got out of the first cave I gotted a window of dialog. No voices, expressions or motions AT ALL!   I can't remember if there was different music depending who you talked too. At this point I had concluded that it was slow, boring, uninitiative and a lot of text.

I quitted. Unplayable, unenjoyable + more text then in a friggin book!

Tried Knights of The Old Republic. WOW what a change!   This game is actually playable!    Pause game, select actions and watch them play out. Was disappointed that I couldn't aim myself and that it all came down to character skill but I could abort combat and hide behind a wall so the enemy can't hit me or just run away from melee enemies. That was great. Felt good to have control like in Diablo II again



I've actually never played a Total War game

on Aug 04, 2010


I've actually never played a Total War game

You should buy M2:TW and download the magnificent Third Age mod for it. [It's a LotR TC mod.] 

on Aug 08, 2010

Nobody mentions the 56,000 units that can be displayed in a single battle for Shogun II. The max number of units in M2:TW was 10,000. In my experience a single battle was half that in MT2, which means I can expect to see about 25,000 units in a single battle for Shogun II:TW.

on Aug 08, 2010


I still have tons of love for Medieval but do agree that Rome was probably the best in the series.

Empire was such a massive dissapointment that I also "took a pass on Napoleon". 


I guess we'll have to wait and see how this sequel pans out because personally I don't think Medieval 2 was such an improvement over the first....in fact I think Med 2 went backwards from Med 1 in a few areas.

on Sep 03, 2010

"Battle Report #1" - New in-game video!


on Sep 03, 2010

Nice. (hope those aren't the only 4 units though ) ... but yea, awesome.

I wonder, do you think they will have the Longbow/Longsword cavalry?? (wielding massive bows and long katanas, a double threat)

Probably less accurate than other archers, and with less damage but more range on their melee attacks. Possible?


also, regardless of historical accuracy, will it be possible to have special units (most likely armed with scythes) that can hide in the grass and wait to ambush units that walk on top of them?

(basically, can hide/ambush from any location, w/ melee weapons, and can't be seen unless an enemy unit is right next to them)

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